22 October 2006


Meebo is one of my favorite new discoveries. This innovative company has been around for just over a year, but already they are growing by leaps and bounds.

Meebo allows you to log-in to your instant messaging account directly from their website. This means that no matter where you have access to the internet, you can IM without having to download and install the software for your particular messaging client. So if you just sat down at a public computer and it doesn't have, say, MSN Messenger installed, a quick visit to Meebo and you can be messaging in no time.

What does this mean? Well, some people who are not me like to use it when they are at work. That way, they can message while at their work computer, but without needing all the messy software that might make an employer/supervisor suspicious...

Meebo is still quite new, so when using it, you won't have all the bells and whistles that your messaging client probably has - it has its limitations. But the basic service is a great one!

Meebo also let me embed this widget (look right - you'll see that I've been creative with his name) in my blog so that when you come to visit you can chat with me right from here if you see that I'm online.

How long until Google snaps this up?

21 October 2006


How is it possible that the Blogger spell-check function does not recognize "blog" as a word?

Perhaps this site has the answer.

New beginnings

I've decided I want to have a blog that is apropos of absolutely nothing except that which I find mildly interesting and want to share with the world (that's you). Lots of the stuff that I post on here will be about nifty things I've been learning in library school. Other things, well, perhaps they'll just be tremendous ways of killing time (because we all need more tools for doing that, right?).

Some of the best blogs are those which actually have a specific purpose (ie a specified topic or field that they address), but I don't feel that I have anything particularly useful to contribute to any topic at this time. And besides, most of the blogs out there are completely pointless and self-indulgent anyway, so I decided that I wanted one of those too!

Here it is.